Windows: which ones to choose for your new home?
There are several types of windows on the market, sold by a number of different companies. Which one should you choose for your construction project? During our project planning meetings, we almost always have this discussion with our customers. Here are a few things to consider.
PVC windows
All-PVC windows offer the best energy performance, since PVC is a material that does not conduct heat. What’s more, they’re the least expensive on the market. All-PVC windows are maintenance-free and highly durable. We’ve used them on many of our buildings. As PVC is white in color, you need to think about color matching with the house’s exterior cladding. On the interior side, white PVC windows lend themselves equally well to installation
more modern without framing around the perimeter than the more conventional installation with framing. It is possible to buy colored PVC windows, and manufacturers offer certain warranties. The fact remains that PVC painted with color is sensitive to scratches and less resistant than aluminum to fading and color change.
Aluminium/wood hybrid windows
This type of window is made of aluminum on the outside and PVC on the inside. This is the type of window we’ve installed most regularly on our projects over the past ten years. Hybrid windows are slightly more expensive than their all-PVC counterparts. Aluminum is available in a multitude of colors, offering a wide range of color combinations with the house’s exterior cladding. The main advantage s that the exterior color is highly durable.
Les fenêtres hybrides aluminium/bois
Aluminum/wood windows are made with aluminum cladding on the outside and all-wood on the inside. The wood used is often clear pine, but this type of window is also available in other species. Wood is a noble material that insuffle always a lot of cachet and character to a home. It comes in a multitude of colors and grain patterns. As you may have guessed, wood windows require maintenance and remain quite sensitive to scratches and color changes caused by the sun. Although manufacturers offer very good warranties, once installed in a well-ventilated and insulated home, they may need to be refinished. As for price, it’s comparable to all-aluminum products.
Aluminum windows
All-aluminium windows are very popular with architects and designers. Aluminum is a strong, rigid material that allows large glass surfaces to be contained in a relatively slim structure. Black windows on the inside are also popular, and all-aluminum windows are the durable, maintenance-free choice for integrating a modern look into a project. On average, all-aluminum windows cost twice as much as hybrid aluminum/PVC windows, so you’ll need to budget more. They are undoubtedly the most expensive windows on the market. What’s more, as aluminum is a conductive material, their energy performance will be lower.
Triple-glazed windows
To increase a home’s energy performance, triple-glazed windows can be installed. However, triple-glazed windows cost more than double-glazed windows, and they have to be reconciled with certain manufacturing limitations, as triple-glazed windows are heavier than double-glazed windows.
The opening system
Crank, awning and casement windows are our favorites. They are ergonomic to use, easy to maintain and offer good value for money. Sash windows offer a beautiful ancestral look, but it’s very difficult to achieve good energy performance with this type of sash. As for sliding windows, we use them most often for windows in basement rooms, when these are located in coping stones. Finally, tilt-and-turn systems are available on higher-end products, and this type of opening is appreciated because it combines the two possibilities of awning and casement.
Energy Star certification
Most window manufacturers offer ENERGY STAR. certified products. This certification ensures that energy performance has been tested and measured in a laboratory beforehand. Energy Star-certified windows always feature double-glazing, low-e film and argon gas. For any Novoclimat or LEED-certified project, this type of window is a mandatory prerequisite.