This is our sales office. We were responsible for the entire design and construction of the building. The plans were drawn up by Atelier Idéa of Sainte-Adèle. This is the first mixed-use commercial building in the Laurentians to be LEED Gold and Novoclimat certified. It is in line with the company’s development philosophy of high-performance, durable and comfortable construction. Although this is a commercial building, it also houses three 4 1/2 apartments on the upper floors. Écohabitations boréales’ 2000 sq. ft. sales office occupies the entire ground floor. The apartments are available for rent and are all occupied at present.


A water house is the concept chosen to relocate OBV CARA’s head office.
The Maison de l’Eau is in line with new trends in sustainable building, inspired by LEED certification. New environmental technologies for efficient management of water, energy and materials resources will be used in the construction of the new building.